Friday, September 21, 2012

New Article (Romney)

With the election near the candidates should be very precaution on what they are saying, even when in private. Anything they say could be used against them. Mitt Romney made a comment earlier this year at a fundraiser that came out and caught the public’s eye.  I read this article called “Romney doesn't back awayfrom message caught on secret tape” on CNN. This article was published on Wednesday September 19, 2012. In this article you can read how Romney, thinks 47% of American will vote for Obama no matter what. He says they are people that depend on the government and fell the government is responsible to take care of them. Romney says he is sticking to what he said and will stick to it months from now. This comment has not showing much of a difference in the poll. According to the article Obamas poll is at 47% and Romney is at 46%. It’s still early to tell if this will back fire on him. Many people have to be on assistance and do no choose too. Yes, there are those that take advantage of the system, but the comment Romney said was not okay. Needing assistance doesn’t guarantee votes for a candidate