Friday, November 30, 2012


I read an editorial from the Dallas Morning News. I read “Now re-elected, Obama should approve Keystone XL pipeline” that was posted on November 28, 2012. This article talks about how President Obama should approve the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada’s oil sands to the Texas Gulf Coast. According to the article this pipeline could bring thousands of jobs availability. I know we can use more job recourses. More jobs would mean some folks will be getting off some form of government assistance. Canadians are already moving oil through the U.S. with other pipelines, so this wouldn’t be the first time America is working with them in this kind of situation.

The environmentalist is giving Obama a hard time about approving this project because of potential oil spill concerns. Can we handle another oil incident like the one from BP? I don’t know, but we need to remember that does not happen on a regular base. We need to get all our concerns out on the table and give the company an opportunity to answer them. Everything needs to be taking into consideration. We just can’t say no because we are scared and worried about what could happen. We need to know if something goes wrong such as a spill will they have some form of plan prepared ahead of time. This would mean we wouldn’t just have the Middle East providing us with oil. The way things are going with the Middle East having another source of oil is something that should be taking into consideration big time.

If we choose not to go with this project, TransCanada Corp will most likely take this project to China. We all know very well that China will accept this offer proudly.  

Friday, November 16, 2012


How do Immigrants get a free ride in America? According to a colleague’s editorial titled Come on Over… Your free ride in America. Free ride is not what I see. I see illegal families trying to make ends meet just like an American family. Yes, some need assistance to survive, but do we deny that family SNAP (food stamps) because they don’t have a visa card? The ones that do get SNAP have children born on American soil; should we take their rights away because their parents are illegal no. If these illegals our on a free ride then so our Americans that take advantage of our benefits.

According to Focus on Mexico when you cross the border into Mexico you are required to have a permit for your vehicle and a tourist (FMT) card.  If you have ever been to Mexico then you know majority of the time the Border Officials tell you where to go. If you don’t understand Spanish then that is your problem and you need to learn their language you’re in their country now. I mean that is what we say about them not knowing our language and been in America. I know, i say that. When an illegal been sent back to Mexico after been arrested for a crime and end up back in America is not their fault. Its Americas fault for deporting them knowing the outcome. The U.S. and Mexico border is known for drug smuggling, but who is to blame? Not just illegals, but the natural born citizens of America as well. It’s not fair to blame the illegals when are people are in the mix with them.

American gives everyone the opportunity to apply for a visa and eventually a citizenship all for a fee.  Money can even by your entrance into America.  You can find the forms and prices at the U.S.Citizenship and Immigration service website. These fees don’t mention the cost for an attorney. The person applying for an application can pay up to three thousand dollars and not be guaranteed a visa or citizenship. Does anyone ever think that’s why they snake over? Im not saying it is okay that they do that. I’m not for it nor am I against it. I think we need to figure out how to fix the problem because the way we are going about it now is not working.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Illegal Immigrants

One of Americas issue is illegal immigrants. Are they really a threat to us Americans or are we just making it a big deal?

Many American feel they are steeling jobs from our citizens. Is this really true? I personally feel no and that this accusation is incorrect. They are taking the jobs that most Americans don’t want to work. Let’s be honest which one of us want to work in 100 degrees heat on a roof, or pouring concrete at five in the morning?  Not me, and most likely not any of you reading this. So, why does this give us the right to say they are steeling are jobs? To be honest, I’m just glad they choose to work and do the jobs we Americans don’t want.

Another issue Americans have with immigrants is the amount of assistance they receive from the government.  According to Center for ImmigrantsStudies in 2009, 57 percent of households headed by an immigrant with legal and illegal children are on some form of government assistance. Yes, it bothers me knowing this information, but let’s be honest how many companies offer insurance to their employees and if they do offer insurance it’s too expensive. Another reason why so many don’t have health insurance is because they don’t understand how it all works. I saw this first hand with a family I knew. No one wants to pay for anything they don’t understand. People are upset they also receive SNAP also known as food stamps. Let’s be honest who isn’t applying for food assistance in this economy. If we can go across the world to help feed a starving country why not just do it here in our own country. I’m just thankful that they are at least trying to work and make a living. There are some Americans that are on government assistance that choose to live off us and not work at all. Let’s complain about those people more rather than some illegals.
Should we just deport all these illegals? We could do that, but who will do the jobs we don’t want? We would be wasting more money on containing them and sending them back. The children that are citizens will be sent back with their parents or left here in America for us to figure out what to do with them. They are here and we need to figure out how to fix the issue instead of getting rid of it. I know there are some illegals here for the wrong reason and causing trouble, but we have Americans doing the same thing.

America we have bigger issues and we need to fix those first.