Friday, November 30, 2012


I read an editorial from the Dallas Morning News. I read “Now re-elected, Obama should approve Keystone XL pipeline” that was posted on November 28, 2012. This article talks about how President Obama should approve the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada’s oil sands to the Texas Gulf Coast. According to the article this pipeline could bring thousands of jobs availability. I know we can use more job recourses. More jobs would mean some folks will be getting off some form of government assistance. Canadians are already moving oil through the U.S. with other pipelines, so this wouldn’t be the first time America is working with them in this kind of situation.

The environmentalist is giving Obama a hard time about approving this project because of potential oil spill concerns. Can we handle another oil incident like the one from BP? I don’t know, but we need to remember that does not happen on a regular base. We need to get all our concerns out on the table and give the company an opportunity to answer them. Everything needs to be taking into consideration. We just can’t say no because we are scared and worried about what could happen. We need to know if something goes wrong such as a spill will they have some form of plan prepared ahead of time. This would mean we wouldn’t just have the Middle East providing us with oil. The way things are going with the Middle East having another source of oil is something that should be taking into consideration big time.

If we choose not to go with this project, TransCanada Corp will most likely take this project to China. We all know very well that China will accept this offer proudly.  

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