Friday, December 14, 2012

Same Sex Marriage

On Novmeber 30,2012 my class mate Andrea Crosser blogged about Same Sex Marriage, and had some good points. She mentioned how the first homosexual existed as early as 2400 BC. That was new knowledge to me. Same Sex Marriage is something America needs to come to acceptance with. Same sex marriage is not going to go away, and people are no longer scared to say they are gay. Andrea also mentioned how people are saying that people of the same sex cannot raise a child the way they need to be raised. Why can’t they?  What makes them not able too? We have no real answers or proof. What makes the oppsite sex parents do a good job? Some kids still end up badly with parents witht he same sex.
 I think Andrea, is right. We are thought to think same sex marriage is wrong from our religion, and government. Wish I don’t understand. I was always raised in church not to judge and that god loves all his children equal. The government not allowing same sex marriage is violating that person’s right under the 14th Amendment. They deserve the right to be happy just as we do, regardless of sex.

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